Michael Bennington is a retired nightclub entertainer and Catholic school music teacher. Retirement has encouraged the development of his storytelling passions into his first novel.Spencer Bennington is a first year PhD student at the University of South Florida. His short story "Solitos" was published by Writers Digest and his novella "Jesus Christ Medicine Man" was the recipient of the Radford University Graduate Scholars Award for Outstanding Thesis. "IF" is Spencer's first collaboration project with his Dad, Michael Bennington, and is his proudest work to date.
The father and son team, coming together as one voice, has adopted the pseudonym Spencer Michaels.
Cookbooks, Food, & Wine
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Beachin' in the Keetchin' with Scotch
Recipes from the locales in the paranormal romance novel "IF" by Spencer Michaels.
PLUS music and video links that go along with your meals. Some good scotch suggestions too!