
Cynthia Hampton is a believer in the redemptive properties of creativity, imagination, and words. In Spring 2015, The Adventures of the Brothers Brave and Noble, a middle grade fantasy novel, was her debut in fiction after several years of performance writing for video media and the live stage. She lives in the Midwest near the Mississippi River with her husband, their four kids, a smallish dog, and one gigantic cat.


Science Fiction
Teen & Young Adult

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The Adventures of the Brothers Brave and Noble: the Existence

In this adventure, brothers Brave and Noble Hewlett are transported to another realm of the Universe, The Existence, where all the places and Friends of our imaginations dwell. With The Existence's caretakers missing, the deceitful Quedro is on a mission to take advantage of human imaginations to create every evil thing he's ever desired. It's up to Brave and Noble and their other Friends in the Existence to make sure Quedro's plans do not succeed. All while the brothers are dealing with their own doubts on the reality of this adventure, and the difficulties typical adolescents brings.
