
Larry J. Dunlap is the author of THINGS WE LOST IN THE NIGHT, A Memoir of Love and Music in the 60s with Stark Naked and the Car Thieves. NIGHT PEOPLE, Book1 has been published since June of 2015. The concluding volume, ENCHANTED, Book 2, is set for publication in mid-2017.

Larry's writing career began as a pencil-for-hire, technical and training writer for Fortune 50 companies in the 90s. In the years following his memoir, Larry spent most of the 70s in Hollywood as a personal manager, publisher, and Sunset Boulevard recording studio owner/operator. In the 80s Larry co-founded the first all-digital broadcasting network, followed by a number years in video and film production, and post-production.

Larry's favorite project has been imagining a galactic empire with a detailed history and backstory for a planned trilogy. He designed the gameplay and delivery system and built a team of programmers and digital artists to create a breakthrough multiplayer online strategy game, IMPERIAL WARS. Though the game is no longer publicly available for play, several of his innovative game concepts are reflected in current MMO games.

He is a published short story author, music magazine columnist, and authored and drew a published music-based cartoon strip named Frets. Currently, Larry writes fiction and creative non-fiction from his home near the ocean in Southern California where he counts his blessings and shares his life with his wife Laurie and their Chilidog.


Biographies & Memoirs
Historical Fiction

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Night People

A young Midwestern singer and his vocalist friends experience the transformative power of love, loss, and music in a chaotic West Coast adventure in the1960s.
"I didn't want to believe how much you've changed, but you're a different person here in California. You live at night here. You're leaving to play music for your night people friends—your new girlfriend—all the new people in your new life."
Night People's adventure is set against the backdrop of the West Coast in the mid-60s: a historic era of tectonic cultural, political, musical, and sexual upheaval. Everything Larry thought he knew about life, love, and himself is challenged in the tumultuous nights where things and people are too easily found and lost.
