
I’m an Australian author and lover of crime fiction. When I’m not writing, you can usually find me either enjoying the technology of an ebook, regressing with the feel of a physical book, or taking advantage of the many ways to consume TV series (how good is Netflix???). Occasionally I’ll venture out into the real world to walk my dog and get some exposure to sunlight, but mostly I’m a hermit lost in a fictional world, of my own or someone else’s making.

The Dark Series centres on Detective Sergeant Charlie Cooper, a veteran of the NSW Police Homicide Squad. Sydney is his home, his turf, and he both loves and loathes it. In the first book of the series, Dark Heart, Cooper gets a new partner, Joey Quinn. There are a few bumps along the way, naturally, but Cooper and Quinn eventually settle in for what we hope will be a long partnership. Well, I say we hope, but of course I’ve got plans that might derail those hopes!

The first three books are available now, and the fourth, Dark Chemistry, is coming soon. In the meantime, if you want to see where it all began for Cooper, check out the prequel novella, Dark City. It’s free to download here courtesy of the lovely folk at InstaFreebie, all I ask in return is the opportunity to communicate from time to time via email.



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