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English Superiority and Irish Barbarianism: 1154-1485

The reasons the English became involved in Ireland. The roots of the prejudices and injustices in the English attitude toward Ireland, date back to this time. Examines the effect of English involvement in Irish affairs from the English as well, as the Irish point of view.

The period of time between Brian Bóru’s involvement in the Battle of Clontarf (1014) and the Coming of the English to Ireland (1169) are forgotten years in Irish History. It was is a century and a half when Ireland was changing.



Celtic Dragon: When Ireland Had Kings, Book 1

Tairrdelbach Ua Conchobair's mother was the great-granddaughter of Brian Bóru and that legacy meant everything to him. He was taught to respect and admire everything Bóru stood for.

He spent fifty years forcing Ireland to change and evolve. His innovative ideas brought Ireland into European awareness. He came closer to establishing an Irish monarchy than any other man. He rose to power at a time when Ireland had no strong champion to step forward and defend her. When Ua Conchobair (O'Connor) did so, all of Ireland threw themselves behind his cause.

"Celtic Dragon" is the story of Ireland from 1014-1116. A second book, "Celtic Warrior", covers the events of 1116-1224. It will be published by February 2019.
