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Pantheon: A Dark Epic Fantasy Novel

smoke is on the horizon. The delicate truce with the other nations teeters on the edge of collapse. As the eldest child of the Sowell family, Athaliah must now take up the mantle.


Convergence of Elements

Toussi has spent every day of his life staring out at the vast ocean. He loves his island home, but he is well aware that there is a vast world beyond it. The mainland is populated by people with skin like his own, but with an entirely different culture. The Daijo people roam the open seas and wield legendary magic. What Toussi doesn't realize is that the world of Avah is a land filled with horrors a boy cannot comprehend. Monstrosities lurk in the depths and air. On land and sea the Hollow Wars rage without end. If that weren't enough, some see times of despair as a window of opportunity. By machination or divine luck, the boy will find his destiny intertwined with chaos.


Trial of Roses: A Dark Epic Fantasy Novella

Sinhar was a boy when the people of Sebel rose up in revolt against their former overlords. Through much bloodshed and strife, their lands truly became their own after a century of occupation. However, in this new era of peace and long sought freedom, tribulation rears its ugly head. Sinhar is finally old enough to join the Mystic Order, an ancient fighting force that teaches magic and molds the future protectors of the homeland. Sinhar has dreamed of joining their ranks all his life. It’s time to turn this dream into reality. In order to do so, he’ll have to overcome his enemies and own personal demons. Sinhar will be brought to his utmost limits, but the legacy of his family pushes him on.


The Vision Prelude: A Dark Epic Fantasy Novella

Pinus Ave Longavian wanted to see the wider world since he was a boy. The young warrior was born and raised in the rainforest covered mountains of Jingseh. Being brought up in times of war and public strife, the open sea became more than just the longings of a mountain boy. It was his salvation. In his travels, Pinus arrives on the shores of the unexplored continent of Sebel. The meeting of these two vastly different people brings the exchange of goods, culture, and magic itself. Prosperity seems within reach for all. Lurking beneath the peace, however, mistrust and malice grow in tandem. Pinus knows what lurks in all men no matter the continent: the lust for the Law of Might. Smoke is on the horizon, and the spoils will go to the victor.
